
Guilherme Toshio Miyake

Software Engineer • Data Engineer • Civil Engineer


I'm currently engaged in building containerized and/or modular solutions for our data infrastructure and platform using tools and languages such as Kafka, Airflow, Python, Terraform, Kotlin and Spring Framework, but I started not that long ago writing VBA scripts on MS Excel and JS scripts on Google Scripts.

I have always enjoyed tackling new challenges and building or implementing solutions that are a just fit for their problems, and I have a firm believe in deliveries that are just better; as simple as possible; and that solve a single issue at the time.

And I love to work in environments where everyone is treated with empathy; where anyone can voice their opinions, experiences and questions without fear or shame; and were we can share our knowledge and learn new things on the job.

Work Experience

Software Engineer
Creditas Soluções Financeiras
August 2018 – Present

In this position, my purposes were to enable decision making based on data; to deliver data science models; to support the creation and maintenance of reports; and to improve the quality of our data and the experience of working with it

For those purposes, I

Currently, I'm developing company-wide data capture tools and strategies

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Business Process Analyst
Creditas Soluções Financeiras
May 2017 – August 2018

In this position, my purposes were to optimize our operation pipelines; to enable new business opportunities and processes; and to deliver those solutions quickly.

For those purposes, I helped implement third-party tools and platforms into our processes; created new tools and automations as necessary; extracted or generated data from every tool built or implemented; and worked close to the product, operation and analytics teams in order to ensure value delivery.

By the end of this experience, I was responsible for teaching new members and helping other team members with technical issues or business intelligence.

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Main Skills



Bachelor of Science, Civil Engineering
São Paulo State University
March 2011 – August 2017

A 5-years degree with specific coursework that included topics such as: fluid mechanics, soil mechanics, structural engineering, geotechnical engineering, traffic engineering and environmental engineering.

During this degree, I helped organize large events; joined and lead a student's union department; gave lectures at events; and organized optional coursework.

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Bachelor of Science, Civil Engineering
Montana State University
August 2013 – August 2014

A 1-year non-degree international exchange program under a fully funded scholarship.

During this program, I joined a research project on traffic engineering and published one article on the subject.

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Personal Projects

My Personal Page

The purpose of this project - is to have a showcase for both my experience and skills using an webpage interface

For this project - I managed to make some better choices on my stack and code organization, due to past experiences doing front-end for another project and some research on the subject.

As the main framework, ReactJS was chosen because I found it much easier and readable than its runner-ups (Angular and Flutter), and was the only framework I had had hands-on experience.

Typescript on the other hand, was chosen despite its challenges and overheads, because for each minute more I spent writing the code helped me save me dozens of minutes that I would otherwise have to spend debugging the application.

Finally, I decided to run it with Gatsby in order to try and understand how to better work with a static framework in which I could learn more about headless CSM integration, static page generation and performance optimization

The outcome was - this super awesome webpage where you can read stuff about me and judge me based on things I wrote

Relevant Skills:

Language Skills

Portuguese: My mother language.

English: Pretty much fluent, but with some pronunciation issues.

Español: I can read and write well with some help, but I can only talk by using hybrid/mixed languages.

German: I learned up to B1 on college, but I have not used or practiced this language in some time.

Photo by Mahkeo on Unsplash